The Embodying Consciousness *Playshop*

Step into an exiting transformative practice!

We all have the ability to recognize and share the feelings of another person, commonly referred to as empathy. In this playshop we will be utilizing a method called ‘Walking In Your Shoes®’ (WIYS), which will take us beyond our experience of empathy in daily life. What is it like putting yourself into someone else’s shoes? See how it feels when you embody another consciousness or are in resonance with another being.

Together we create a safe container where we can be each other: be seen, be vulnerable – without judgments or interpretations. We then ‘work’ (or play) with what’s arising in the very moment.

Join us to explore and cultivate empathy, to connect more authentically with others, and to experience a different kind of knowing. This is an opportunity for diving deeply into the vastness of human experience.

If you could walk in my shoes,
You would see, I paid my dues,
I worked hard my whole life through,
Even though, I no longer do.
You would see how hard I tried.
You would see how hard I cried.
Can’t you see my condition is real,
Even though you can’t see what I feel.

Manuela McPhee (5/23/2009, excerpt)


What To Expect:

  • Intro: Short introduction to WIYS and levels of empathy.
  • Breathwork & Meditation: a simple breathing exercise, sensing of the body and/or a short guided meditation.
  • The ‘Walk’ – An Exercise In Empathy: The main part of the playshop. Using ‘Walking In Your Shoes’, we will take turns to embody the consciousness of another person, or in other words, to be in resonance with one another.
  • Time For Sharing/Questions: Ask any questions which came up during the playshop. Share your experience with the group.
  • Closure: A brief sound bowl meditation and some closing words.


  • Location: The Well, 3 Louisiana Avenue, Asheville, NC 28806
  • Cost: suggested donation (sliding scale) $15 – $25
  • Registration: you simply show up
  • Contact:



Sep 26 2024


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Sep 26 2024
  • Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


The Well
3 Louisiana Avenue, Asheville, NC 28806


Wolfgang Ettenreich
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