Sonic Immersions & Sound Healing

On Saturday, August 17th and Sunday August 18th, 6-8 PM, I will be offering a Sonic Immersion in the Lighthouse Chapel of the Terra Nova Center. In addition I am honored to contribute a Sound Healing as part of their Sunday Service. Monday morning I am offering a “Starting the day with good vibes” and on Tuesday a “Relaxing into a day well spent“. These two sound experiences are about an hour long and you can come and go as it aligns with your day/evening.

Please join me for one of these events or even better, all of them if you so desire. Come to hang out for a day, camp on the marvelous grounds or stay in one of the rooms at The Hideaway for a night or two or … Simply call (575) 224-4370 to inquire about availability etc.

Imagine! … Getting up in the morning and swimming in a beautiful lake, visiting some of the sacred sites, going for a gorgeous hike, or just hanging out on the grounds to relax, to read, or to find yourself canoeing across the lake. Then, at the end of the day, enjoy a healing & relaxing Sonic Immersion and perhaps sitting at a campfire afterwards. If that doesn’t sound delightful then what? 🙂

I hope seeing you there!

  • Saturday, 8/17/24, 6-8 PM: Sonic Immersion
  • Sunday, 8/18/24, ~11:15am-12pm: Sound Healing as part of Terra Nova’s Sunday service
  • Sunday, 8/18/24, 6-8 PM: Sonic Immersion
  • Monday, 8/19/24, 10-11 AM: “Starting the day with good vibes” – Sonic vibrations for the day ahead
  • Tuesday, 8/20/24, 6-7 PM: “Relaxing into a day well spent” – Sonic vibrations for a day’s closure


How do I register or get my ticket(s)? No need to, you simply show up for any or all of the above events.

Are these events for free? They are not. Rest assured though, NOTAFLOF – No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds. Give what you can: the suggested donation is sliding scale $15-$30 for the 2h Sonic Immersions and $10-$15 for the other offerings. Giving more is definitely welcome if you have the means to do so.

How/where do I make my donation? At the event, cash preferred.

What about lodging/camping? The latter is $25 per tent per night. More details about lodging are on Terra Nova’s website.

Who can join? Anyone! My mailing list is still very small, so if you know someone who might enjoy this offering, please let them know.

Important!  All proceeds are going to Terra Nova for their incredible work! So be generous if you can ♥️. Any other questions? Get in touch!


A Sonic Immersion is an invitation to simply be with what is in the moment, the impermanence of our experience as sounds emerge and subside. And being ok with whatever arises, just as Rumi says: “… Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! …”

Together we will traverse soundscapes created by the ancient didgeridoo, crystal & metal singing bowls, drums, Light Language vocals, and several other instruments. If you want more intense, activating vibrations, they will be played close to your body.

This journey will assist you in finding your own inner clarity, inspiration and wisdom for these times.

Bring whatever makes you comfortable to lay down (or sit) for an extended period of time and allowing you to fully enjoy this journey: a mat, blanket, pillow, eye cover to name a few things. Some mats and pillows are available.

When you regain a sense of your life as a journey of discovery
you return to rhythm with yourself
– John O’Donohue –


Hourly Schedule


11:15 - 12:00
Sunday Service Sound Bath
6:00 - 8:00
Sonic Immersion


10:00 - 11:00
Starting the day with good vibrations


6:00 - 7:00
Vibrations to relaxing into a day well spent


Aug 17 2024


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Aug 17 2024
  • Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Terra Nova Center
22 Terra Nova Lane, Cedar Mountain, NC, 28718
(575) 224-4370


Wolfgang Ettenreich
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